2024-2025 CVCB COMPANY

AUDition information

Company Auditions: August 24, 2024
Ages 11-14
10:00 to 11:30 a.m.
(8th grade and under)
**Dancers entering their freshman year of high school but are not yet 15 years old have the option of attending either the Junior or Senior Company Audition. Dancers who are 15 or older must audition for Senior Company
Ages 15+
12:30 to 2:00 p.m.
(9th grade and older)
**Dancers entering their freshman year of high school but are not yet 15 years old have the option of attending either the Junior or Senior Company Audition. Dancers who are 15 or older must audition for Senior Company
Audition Prep Classes
Take a special audition prep class before CVCB Company Auditions
Audition Details
Thank you for your interest in auditioning to be a member of the Cache Valley Civic Ballet Company, a Cache Valley tradition for more than four decades.

Auditions are held each August at the Whittier Community Center. Please read the audition and Company information below. Audition registration is required in advance of audition day.

The Company will be under the direction of Associate Director, Jaime Lindley, as the Artistic Director, Sandra Emile, is on sabbatical for the 2024-2025 performance season.

If you have questions please contact president@cvcballet.org.
Auditions Location
Whittier Community Center
290 North 400 East, Logan, Utah
Important Forms
Please fill out Company Audition Registration form below, prior to audition and arrive early to check in and warm up. No one is admitted after auditions begin. Registration closes one day prior to auditions.
Company Requirements
Your acceptance as a CVCB Company Member is a commitment and an agreement for the performance season of September through May. Full attendance at and participation in rehearsals and performances for Nutcracker and the spring ballet are mandatory. Showcase of Choreographers is highly encouraged, but each dancer’s choice to participate or not must submitted to the Associate Director by March 1. Members are allowed one excused absence from for The Nutcracker and one excused absences for the spring ballet. Company classes and rehearsals are included in the attendance policy and role will be taken. If a member has accumulated more than the allowed number of excused absences during rehearsals for either performance, he or she may be suspended from the Company and should expect that their part in the performance may be recast. If a member has an unexcused rehearsal absence or an absence within one week before a performance (including Showcase of Choreographers) he or she may be suspended from the Company and not allowed to perform.
Company member fees are divided between required and optional fees:

1. REQUIRED – Member Dues: $375 (This partially contributes to the cost of headshots, Company warm-up class and rehearsals, costume cleanings, one complimentary ticket to each performance, lunches between matinee and evening performances, cast parties, end-of- year banquet, and a minimum of three master classes.)
2. REQUIRED – MAKE-UP: Cost varies (Each Company member must complete a stage make-up form at or before the Company welcome meeting. New members will need to purchase a full make-up kit, returning members will only need to replace make up they are in need of.)
3. REQUIRED – STAGE PHOTOS AND VIDEOS: $150 (This includes digital stage photos, digital historical video, and a digital on-stage artistic video of each performance. There is no guarantee that every dancer will be included in photos.)
4. OPTIONAL – COSTUME PHOTOS: $50 (This includes five digital photos of one costume and one group digital photo per show (Nutcracker and Spring Ballet). This will be paid directly to the photographer prior to the photo day.
5. OPTIONAL – SHOW APPAREL - Apparel (sweatshirts and/or t-shirts) will be offered for each show. This year they will be ordered directly from the vendor.  More information to come.
6. OPTIONAL – WARM-UP APPAREL: This year, we will offer embroidered Company warm-ups. These will be ordered directly from the vendor. More information to come.

Payment of fees is required prior to the Company Member welcome meeting.

Payment plans are available on a case-by-case basis, but all fees will be required to be paid by November 1. Please contact the Board President at president@cvcballet.org if you need to arrange a payment plan.

No refund will be made if a Company member withdraws from the Company after the welcome meeting. A prorated refund may be approved in the event the Company member incurs a major injury which prevents them from participating (a physician’s note is required to be considered for a partial refund) or moves away.
Company members are expected to take a total of four ballet classes per week (the CVCB weekly Company class on Saturday, plus three classes from an approved ballet teacher of their choice). CVCB-School will offer the third and fourth ballet technique classes free of charge for Company members who are currently registered for 2 classes a week with the CVCB-School. Missed classes must be made up. Company members are responsible for making arrangements with the School Administrator for make-up classes. We strongly recommend taking a Pilates or stretching/toning class.

Company class and rehearsals are scheduled on Saturdays. Please check the rehearsal schedule throughout the season for details and scheduling changes.

Every dancer’s attendance is critical to Company success. All absences must be documented in writing via email to company@cvcballet.org to the Associate Director. The Associate Director and Rehearsal Assistants plan rehearsals weeks in advance. If a dancer has a planned absence, it must be communicated with a minimum of two weeks’ notice. It is the dancer’s responsibility to communicate absences to the Associate Director.

Dancers with excessive absences cannot effectively contribute to the Company. Every time a dancer is absent – for any reason – it negatively affects the Company and the success of the performance. Should a dancer have more than the approved number of absences from a rehearsal, he or she should expect their role in the production to be altered. A dancer with any unexcused absence should expect their role in the production to be altered or dismissal from the Company.

PLEASE DO NOT PLAN TO BE ABSENT DURING THE LAST TWO SATURDAYS BEFORE A PERFORMANCE, OR DURING TECH WEEK IN THE THEATRE. It is important to be able to run the show or a variation as it will happen on stage during the last few practices.

Please take note of the following anticipated schedule as you accept your commitment. (Note that Labor Day and Fall Break are already scheduled off. Specific rehearsal times will be posted on the Company website throughout the performance season, and it is each dancer’s responsibility to check the schedule regularly.):

Junior Company rehearsals typically run from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Senior Company rehearsals typically run from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
*These times may change based upon the dancers casting.


Saturdays at the Whittier: 
September 7, 14, 21, 28
October 5, 12, 26
November 2, 9

From this point until the show is over, full attendance is mandatory:
November 16 and 23 (at the Whittier Center - long days)

Evening rehearsals at Ellen Eccles:
November 25, 26, 27

November 29, 30, December 2, 3 (We have added a Tuesday performance this year)

Spring Ballet:

Saturdays at the Whittier:
January 4, 11, 18, 25
February 1, 8, 15, 22
March 1

From this point until the show is over, full attendance is mandatory:
March 8 and 15 (at the Whittier Center - long days)

Evening Rehearsals at Ellen Eccles:
March 17, 18, 19, 20

March 21 and 22

Showcase of Choreographers:

Saturdays at the Whittier:
April 12, 19, 26
May 3

May 10
Company Members will be provided one complimentary ticket for The Nutcracker and one complimentary ticket for the Spring Concert. To utilize your ticket for the show, mention your name at the box office when purchasing tickets.
CVCB will provide costumes for major performances. Each Company member provides their own stage makeup, ballet shoes, and tights unless, in some cases, they are provided by The Company as part of a costume. All makeup and costume elements must meet the approval of the Artistic Director whether furnished by The Company or Company member. Company members must agree to comply to the following performance appearance guidelines and meet approval of the Artistic Director in all aspects of appearance including hair, make-up, and costume: Company members will not display visible body piercings or tattoos on stage. Tattoos visible (including visible through costuming) must be covered by appropriate body makeup or patch to conceal tattoo. Only post-earrings will be allowed on stage. No other jewelry (including rings, wedding rings, necklaces, bracelets, etc.) will be allowed; unless the jewelry is part of the costume and approved of by the Director and Costume Manager. Hair must be worn in whatever fashion the Artistic Director dictates. Please discuss any questions or concerns with the Artistic Director well in advance of performances.
Company members may be restricted from activities/performances in the event of injury, pregnancy, or other significant health concern. A pregnant Company member will not be allowed to perform after four months gestation. The Company may require a physician’s note (at the cost of the company member) to allow a Company member to participate in rehearsals/classes or to perform. The Artistic Director and CVCB Association reserve the right to restrict a Company member from participating or performing in the event there is a health concern for the Company member.
When possible, rehearsal schedules will be posted at least two weeks in advance, either online or on the board outside the ballet studios at the Whittier Community Center. Members are responsible for knowing their own rehearsal times and locations. Members must be prompt for each rehearsal. Please note the attendance policy above.
Company members are discouraged from participating in outside activities if they interfere with CVCB or pose an injury or health risk to the Company member. It is expected that the special permission be requested from the Artistic Director for Company members to participate in outside activities that may interfere with CVCB rehearsals. If a Company member will be performing with another ballet production, they should get approval from the Artistic Director or the Associate Director. If a Company member will appear in a ballet production’s marketing materials or program book, it is required that they be listed as a CVCB company member.


Company members are expected to use social media responsibly. Any case of inappropriate posting or commenting in relation to the CVCB or any CVCB employee or Company member is grounds for dismissal from the Company. Any form of bullying among Company members, online or otherwise, will not be tolerated. Dancers should not engage in inappropriate, harassing, demeaning, threatening, or offensive behaviors while participating in online communities. Dancers should be aware that third parties could easily access social media profiles and view all personal information. This includes all pictures, videos, comments, and posts. Inappropriate material found by third parties affects the perception of the Cache Valley Civic Ballet.
Member and/or his/her guardian release and discharge the Cache Valley Civic Ballet, its respective agents, affiliates, officers, directors, and employees from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions and causes of action whatsoever, arising out of or related to any loss, damage or injury, that may be sustained by the undersigned while participating in the Cache Valley Civic Ballet Company.
©2024 Cache Valley Civic Ballet  •  290 N. 400 E. Logan, UT 84321
Custom Website by Bodwa Productions